When I first met you, I was just about to hit rock bottom. I was sinking fast. I was so scared that I felt pretty much anchored to my bed because there was this huge storm coming. I felt embarrassed to be me. And sad, and empty. I didn’t understand why this was happening to me, as every single thing around me seemed perfect. But even leaving the bed for a shower seemed impossible. I did not want to be me. I just wanted to escape.
But I met you. And I did not hit the floor. The big storm didn’t come. And I could leave the bed more and more each day. And I felt that I could be myself with you (which is such a luxury!) And then with other people too. It’s such a great feeling to be seen, but it’s only thanks to you that I feel like I can be me.
You completely changed the trajectory of my life. Not only did I not hit the floor, but I felt I am just taking off. I believe I now understand that I can be happy, and I think I know what that means for me (thanks to you!)
I can’t wait to see what the expedition there is like.

My sessions with Hannah were immensely helpful to me. I found Hannah to be warm and supportive and I felt comfortable opening up to her. As I explored my issues further she enabled me to gain clarity and also to see how my issues interlinked. I can be someone who likes to get things done as soon as possible and Hannah was brilliant at helping me to take things at a more helpful pace and build up to working on some of the most emotional aspects.
I wanted to come to see you because I felt that I needed to talk but didn’t feel very well equipped to. You enabled me to do that by talking about how I was feeling and reflecting on different times in my life. I was able to open up to that and this has helped me to move forwards and take positive steps.
I saw Hannah for a number of weeks to talk about a traumatic event in my life. Hannah held the space for me to express myself in any way that I needed to. I’ve found it incredibly helpful to have that time once a week to work through what I needed to in the moment, free of any judgement. Spending the time talking to Hannah helped me to work through my pain and to come up with further ways to develop my healing in between sessions.