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5 Self-care Tips to Lift your Mood


If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just a bit like you’ve lost your mojo, then you’ll know how hard it can be to get through the day and get everything done that you need to do.

So I’ve put together these 5 self-care ideas that will help lift your mood and I’ve tried to keep them as simple and achievable as possible, because you don’t want to feel like self-care is another task on your list, right?

Declutter a single area of your home or workspace

This is much more manageable than trying to tackle too much at once.  If you feel that your surroundings are too cluttered it can cause stress and anxiety which can lead to feeling low.  It’s easy to get stuck in a vicious cycle where low mood stops you from having the energy and motivation to tidy up, but the increasing mess around you makes you feel worse.  So how can you break the cycle?

The first step is to be kind to yourself.   It’s okay not to be able to do it all at once.  Breaking down any task into smaller parts makes it easier to achieve.

Can you find one area to declutter which feels possible and would lift your mood?  Perhaps a coffee table, bookshelf, or bedside table?  Whichever one you pick, just focus on that one and try not to worry about the rest.  And when you’ve done it, let yourself enjoy it before thinking about what you need to do next.

Read a chapter of a book

This is another example where breaking something down can make it feel easier.  I don’t know if you’re like me in this, but I often have a pile of books I want to read and a feeling that I don’t have enough time.

But it’s much easier to plan to read one chapter of one book, than a whole pile or bookshelf.  If that feels too much, plan to read a couple of pages, or to read for fifteen minutes.  If you do that, and it lifts your mood, then see if you can find time each day to read a little bit.  It soon adds up!

Go for a short walk

Well, you can go for a long walk if you want to!  But again, it might help to start small.  If you can find time each day to go outside for at least a short walk, it can really lift your spirits.  And while you are walking, see if you can stay mindfully present.  Notice the feeling of your feet on the ground.  Look at your surroundings and listen.  What can you see?  What can you hear?  Mindful awareness can help to reduce anxiety and boost your mood.

Write in a journal

Writing is a great way to access your feelings and keeping a journal can help you track your mood.  The act of writing itself can also make you feel better.  Having a small achievable target like writing a page a day, or writing for ten minutes a day, can help you get started.  Don’t worry if you miss a day though.  Just pick up where you left off and keep going.  I often find that by writing I find out what I’m feeling.  It also gives me a feeling of releasing emotions, creating a sense of peace.  Have a go and see if it works for you.

Do some gentle exercise

This could be a few stretches, or a mini routine based on yoga or Pilates.  There are lots of videos on YouTube to help you but don’t get lost down a rabbit hole.  Keep it simple, and then you are more likely to stick to it.  This can be especially helpful if your work and/or daily routine involves a lot of sitting down for long periods.  Can you take a few minutes out of your working day to treat your body to some gentle movement?  Our bodies and minds are connected, so taking care of your body will help to calm your minds and lift your mood.

So, these are my 5 self-care tips to lift your mood.  As you can see, no matter how busy you are, there are always things you can do to get a little more self-care in your life.

Do you find that you always put your needs last?  If you find it hard to look after yourself, or your self-care always takes a back seat, contact me now and let’s see if we can help you to make care of yourself more of a priority in your life.

Contact me by email on or by phone on 07305 424417.

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