As I write this, I’m wondering if it’s too late for a post about the new year. How far into January can you go before New Year is Old News?
And then I realised the irony that my post is about stepping gently into the new year, not putting pressure on yourself, only doing what you’re ready for…
And here I am being hard on myself for not managing to write a blog post earlier in the month!
So I am speaking very much to myself here, but perhaps this will resonate with you too.
If you are finding that all the talk of resolutions, new starts and “new year, new you” is making you feel anxious, then I want to remind you that you are enough already, just as you are.
Maybe, you feel differently, and the idea of a fresh start in January is motivating and invigorating for you. That’s fine too.
The important thing is to do what feels right for you. Trust yourself to know what you need. Listen to your body. What are your energy levels like? Is this a good time for you to start something new or is it time to rest? Try to find your natural rhythm.
Here in the UK, in early January it’s very cold. Some days are bright and sunny, others overcast. The days are still short, though gradually lengthening, and the evenings are long and dark.
When it’s cold and dark, what might we need? Perhaps we need to rest or hibernate. Maybe we are seeking light, warmth, comfort… Think about what nurtures you, what gives you a feeling of peace and wellbeing at this time of year. These are a few of mine – wrapping up warm and going for a walk; lighting candles and curling up with a blanket and a book; knitting, sewing or other craft projects; baking or cooking comfort food; writing in a journal; mindfulness and meditation practices. Would any of those work for you? And what would you add to the list?
For some of us, the idea of resting can make us feel guilty. If you’ve learnt to keep busy, be productive, prove your worth by doing, then it can be hard to relax enough to rest even when you need to. Try, if you can, to cultivate a more nurturing inner voice and remind yourself that it’s okay to rest, you are enough, you are good enough.
As you step gradually into the new year, go with the flow of your energy. You may have days when your energy levels are higher and you can make the most of those. If you feel like decluttering, organising, or starting new habits, then do it, but don’t force it if you’re not feeling it. Trust yourself and know that the right time will come to make changes and if it’s not today, then that’s okay.
A gentle way to start the year can be simply to notice what may have been lost in the busyness of December, and to decide what feels important to bring back. Before attempting to create new habits, it can be worthwhile to restart the routines that you already know work well for you. When those are back in place, it may be easier to decide if there’s anything new you want to add in.
Think about the next steps you would like to take. What are you hoping for from 2025? Are you even ready to think about that question? If not, leave it for now and go back to the stage of nurturing and self-care until you feel ready. If you are, then try to think of some things you’d like to create space for in your daily routines, and take little steps to get to where you want to be. Focus on one new thing at a time, and wait till it feels comfortably embedded in your routine before you add another one.
I hope these suggestions will help you to start your year off without pressure or expectation. If you feel you would like to talk through anything that is troubling you or would like help with making some changes this year, contact me on hannahflowerscounselling@gmail.com and see if counselling could help you to go gently into 2025. Wishing you a peaceful new year.